Authors of the Flathead Valley writers conference, 2024, in Kalispell, MT.

Authors of the Flathead Valley writers conference, 2024, in Kalispell, MT.
Who We Are
The Authors of the Flathead is a group of writers from all around northwest Montana. We range from novelists to non-fiction writers, screen to short story writers and poets to journalists.
Our primary goal is to help one another become better writers. We’ve been doing this for nearly thirty years and have plenty of success stories to share.
Membership is open to anyone who is interested, any age and regardless of your writing experience. Come to one of our weekly meetings and see if we can’t help you too.
We are a non-profit community of writers who support one another.
What We Do
We present craft-of-writing workshops conducted by members of the group as well as guest speakers we invite to our meetings.
We organize satellite writer’s critique groups, helping our members receive constructive input on how to improve their craft on specific types of writing like children’s books, novels, poetry and screenwriting.
We offer online critique groups to reach members who are not local to Kalispell or are unable to travel to live/face-to-face groups.
We hold writing competitions open to high school students throughout the Flathead Valley.
We host the Annual Flathead River Writers Conference – a nationally acclaimed two-day event giving members and guests the opportunity to learn from and mingle with published authors, agents, editors and publishers from all over the country.
News & Announcements
- Kathy Dunnehoff’s stage play being produced in Helena as a fundraiser for the Montana Playwrights Association.
- Winter/Spring President’s Letter
- For all authors wanting to up their spontaneous speaking skills, few environments work better than Toastmasters. Kalispell has a new time for Authors to become Speakers. The evening Toastmasters club is now meeting at 6:30 one 1st and 3rd TUESDAY of each month at the Terraces at Buffalo Hills. Just enter through their primary front door. The lady at the front desk can give you directions to the meeting.
- Our regular Thursday night meetings are held at Glacier Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1515 Trumble Creek Rd, Kalispell, MT 59901
This website was created, in part, with financial assistance from the Whitefish Community Foundation.
Antidiscrimination and Antiharassment Policy
Authors of the Flathead welcomes people from all backgrounds, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability. We do not tolerate discrimination or abuse of any kind, including any form of sexual harassment.